The PMP has been in place in both areas of the refinery since 2004 and consists of a network of monitoring wells on the downgradient side of the refinery that are monitored on a regular basis.
The FPTS consists of two trenches in the foreshore below Area 2. The materials in the trenches naturally capture and remediate any hydrocarbons that may be migrating in groundwater from Area 2. The FPTS won the Environmental Managers’ Association of BC Restoration and Remediation award in 2018.
The PES consists of numerous wells that pump groundwater from the perimeter of Area 2 back into the wastewater treatment plant at the refinery for remedial treatment.
Details and current information about these systems can be found in the following reports, which were produced by Parkland’s independent environmental consultants.
For more information on these programs or other environmental programs at the refinery, please contact us.